Monday 24 October 2011

Life Changing

It's amazing how something so trivial can change your life completly.

Since I've been Dating Mr C I've piled on almost a stone in weight!

Yes it's upsetting me, but I couldn;t care., Having On/Off Bullimia Since I was 7 I've always gone back to it when I'm down. I'm much much more better in myself now.

I know it's unhealthy and very un ME, to rely on a man to make me happy and to cure my ED, But It's happened. It's happened, so i'm going to enjoy it as it lasts.

I've neglected my blog for a while now, But I promise to blog at LEAST once a week.

I just don;t wish to fall inlove the habbit of relying on my Blogger to vent my feelings noiw that I have found a way to make them much much better.

-Lily Hepburn

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