Sunday 24 October 2010

The 4 year old me.

If my 4 year old self looked at me now, she'd shit and run. This is far from what i wanted my life to be when i got older.

The 4 year old me wanted to go to University and be a teacher.

The 4 year old me wanted to be perfecct and always nice to people.

the 4 year old me didn't expect half the shit that's happened to me, to happen.

The 19 year old me didn't get the grades she intended and couldn't ever be a teacher.

The 19 year old me has learned always being nice to people means letting people walk all over you.

And the 19 year old me is looking at myself now and wondering what the hell is happening.


1 comment:

  1. not knowing what to do at 19 is normal, especially if you didn't get the grades you wanted/didn't go to uni(from what I gather). your 'calling' is out there somewhere, maybe it's still wanting to be a teacher. who knows, you still have loads of time to get the grades again.

    take care
