When did life become so physically exhausting? To the point where I no longer have the energy to go anything anymore other than breath?
I never felt more happier than I have in the last couple of days, for no reason. But I soon began to realise I have been living in a false reality for quite some time.
False Lily has as many problems as anyone, but she can deal with them, She's clever like that.
But the girl writing this lacks any kind of control over anything at all. There is no point to live, other than for this false reality That I pray Will be One day, but I know deep down it won't.
I tried to talk to my mum before. I'm so sick of the
"Your Only 19, what do you have to be depressed over?".
I feel back in my glass bubble caged away. The bubble that I can;t break. The buddle that is suffocating me.
D Is killing me.
Keep Strong